How to get to Jelgava?

Jelgava is located only 45 km from the capital city Riga. If you are driving, the best way is to follow the the map, but if you are using public transport - these are two easiest ways to get to Jelgava:

  • By train. Trains Riga-Jelgava run Riga Railway Station once an hour, length of the trip is about 50 minutes, ticket price Eur 1.90. Find more information:
  • By bus. Mini buses Riga-Jelgava leave from the Riga International Bus Station every 10-15 minutes, length of the trip is about 50 minutes, ticket price Eur 2.30. Find more information: or

    Jelgava county

  • By bus. Mini buses Riga-Jelgava leave from the Riga International Bus Station every 10-15 minutes, length of the trip is about 50 minutes, ticket price Eur 2.30. Find more information: or

    Jelgava county

    • To travel to different areas of Jelgava county, you can travel by bus from the Jelgava Bus Station (Pasta iela 26).
    • For bus schedule, check: or

    Ozolnieki county

    • By train: Take the train Riga-Jelgava and get off at the station Ozolnieki. There are trains from Riga, at least once an hour, ticket price 1.90 EUR. Find more information
    • By bus: Take the mini bus Riga-Jelgava, ask to stop at Ozolnieki. Mini buses run from Riga Bus station every 10-15 minutes; duration of journey is approximately 50 minutes, ticket price 2.00 EUR. Find more information or

How to get from Jelgava to tourism sites of Jelgava vicinity by public transportation?

Tourism sites of Jelgava vicinity may be reached also by public bus. Jelgava Regional Tourism Centre recommends several tourism sites the visits to which do not have to be booked in advance (except guided tours). Download travel ideas HERE.

Taxi in Jelgava

Book a Taxi from any of the companies below:

  • Jelgavas taksometru serviss (Jelgava Taxi Service) +371 63083200, +371 80008066
  • Taksometru pakalpojumi Jelgavā (Taxi Service in Jelgava)  +371 80008044
  • Via Taxi  +371 27737771
  • Fūrmanis Ltd. +371 20050701